Princeton Piton Processor

Princeton Piton Processor, is a many-core designed by Prof. Wentzlaff's research group in March, 2015. It was taped-out in IBM's 32nm SOI process. Some of Piton's features are listed below:

  • 25 modified OpenSPARC T1 cores
  • Directory-based shared memory
  • 3 On-chip networks
  • Multi-chip shared memory support
  • 1 GHz clock frequency
  • IBM 32nm SOI process (6mm*6mm)
  • 460 million transistors

IEEE Micro Article

Hot Chips Presentation

HPCA 2018 Paper

OpenPiton, the open source release of the Princeton Piton Processor, was released in June 2015.

Piton was featured in the news, here in the U.S.:


And internationally: